press release

How ATCO is growing on social media will blow your mind off

ATCO was founded decades ago in 1962 and one of the major reasons for its establishment was its love for tea.

Every packet of tea sold is sold with great passion to ensure that great tea is made available to the common man.

To ensure this goal, ATCO’s Packaging Plant is made capable of blending and packaging about 20000 kgs per day in a shift of 8 hours.

That just shows that there is a huge demand for ATCO’s tea in the market and people love it.

But something shocking was going to happen when ATCO decided to start a new chapter in their 60 + years of achieving their goal of bringing great tea to the hard-working people of India.

In just 1 year (2019-2020) ATCO sold 1.5 million kgs of tea which in terms of brewing capacity, amounts to 100+ crore teacups.

At this point, most of their sales came from offline retail stores.

Yet they were looking for new ways of moving forward as they were still hungry for more (or should I say thirsty).

This 60+-year-old ambitious legacy brand wanted to sell tea in the digital age and the opportunity they had not capitalized on was social media.

However, ATCO wanted to focus on what it does best – Making Great Tea Affordable To The Common Man.

So they hired ‘SAK GROUP’ to handle their social media branding.

SAK GROUP completely transformed their social media from previously posted non-engaging content to content based on:

1. Educating their audience about their brand and products.

2. Relating their industry with the latest social media trends helped new audiences come in contact with the brand.

3. Meme marketing helped people to laugh and thus increased likeability for the brand.

4. Through their social media, they also created awareness of the different products ATCO sold.

ATCO’s total digital presence increased by a staggering 50%-60% when compared to its previous digital presence.

Press Release link : dailyhunt: ATCO




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